Star Wars Commander Tricks and Tips

Learn how to play the game like a real master: Star Wars Comamnder Tricks and Tips

Star Wars Commander Tricks and Tips

It certainly is great news for all fans of the saga. In the strategy game, history fans can follow the adventures of their favorite characters, with an extensive range of vehicles weapons and technology that can act throughout the game.A new development of Disney video games is evident for mobile devices. Star Wars: Commander, is a new title only for Apple computers.

George Lucas is back with Star Wars... but this time with a video game for mobile."Star Wars" film, considered one of the best in the category of science fiction, launched this weekend officially the game "Star Wars: Commander", for smartphones. There are several websites giving advice on how to play the game properly, you can find some good tips, tricks and cheats by visiting the following website: there are many other blogs with interesting information regarding this game.

The successful film 'Star Wars' saga, considered one of the best in the category of science fiction, launched this weekend officially the game for smartphones ' Star Wars: Commander'.

One of the features of the game is that it will feature multiplayer mode. Using this mode, users can choose from two sides 'Rebel alliance' or the 'Imperial force', to build a fortress in the battle, according to an official statement released by the developers.

'Han Solo', 'Chewbacca' 'The Princess Leia', 'AT-ATs', the 'Tie fighters' and the 'Stormtroppers', among others are some of the characters that you can choose in the game.

The video game ' Star Wars: Commander', released by Disney, and Lucasfilm Ltd., will be available free of charge for smart devices operating system for a limited time.

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Under the following paragraphs, you transfer to our guide to the score in clash of clan of Android on iPhone or from iPhone to Android. For this purpose, several steps are necessary, which we have grouped together under the following headings. In clash of clans this feature is called "score transferred" but "Equipment link". Get free gold with this amazing tool that generates gold for Clash of Clans.

First you need to connect Android with Google + or IOS with game Center. You can do this using the settings of clash of clan.

Next can be found in the settings menu item "Equipment link". Here you must choose then the old and new smartphone.
On the old Smartphone, you will then get a code on your old phone, you need to enter into a clash of clans on your old phone. This code is valid, only a certain time so you don't here a few hours should have time.
We have explained the steps above again in detail and at length under the following headings.

First you need to connect your clash of clan Google + Android or IOS game Center. To do this, you need to open just the settings in the app. You can find the settings on the gear icon on the right side. This approach is always the same, no matter whether you want to transfer to iPhone or vice versa by Android.

In the next step you have to request the code for the score transfer in clash of clan. Type "Device link" first on the button labeled and can choose from where the old and new device to transmit it. Depending on how many registered Smartphone or scores you have, this looks slightly different for each player. Typically, you choose first up his old Smartphone and down then the new smartphone.

In the final step, you must then link the two scores in clash of clan. To do this, you must simply enter the code on the old Smartphone on the new smartphone. Usually, you can see the code on three small packets of letters about the settings of clash of clan. Once you have entered this code on a new smartphone, appears a little warning that already is accessed by another device on the score. You can confirm the warning, or you close the clash of clan app on the old device, which is however not essential as long as. You can download this legit Clash of Clans Gold Generator and start getting free gold today.

Under this heading a few notes to the clash of clan link by the score between two devices. Because there are some limitations or a common question on the subject. Should you score transmitted further information or questions about the clash of clans have, then we enjoy writing a comment.

City Hall is already on level 4 - can I still transfer the score and link the equipment: If the Hall is already on level 4 on the new device, we recommend all data to delete, and then to get the score of the old unit over. In Google you can set up a new account and the same is true for the game Center. Then just re download the app if you have deleted all data and start her on again at level 1 or level 1 by the clash of clan Hall. Then link the devices nothing stands in the way.